7 Best Free Online Courses with Certificates in 2023

Check out the top FREE online courses with ratings, skills, course providers, and enrollment links. Choose an online certification course that matches your interest:

In the present day, everything has a price. Whether it’s Healthcare, Learning, Cars, Computer Programs, or Clothes, everyone operates their businesses to make money.

But, thanks to technological progress and the internet being readily available, many well-known companies now provide FREE online classes. Their goal is to share knowledge globally without charging the learners.”

In this article, we’ll guide you through a list of exceptional free online courses that cater to various interests and career paths. So, let’s embark on this educational journey together!

Best Free Online Courses with Certification

Whether you’re a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, the allure of online courses is undeniable. The allure stems from the desire to stay informed, upskill, and be ready to tackle new challenges head-on.

These courses mirror traditional classroom settings with exams, assignments, presentations, quizzes, and projects, albeit with greater flexibility.

When venturing into the realm of online courses, the first criterion often becomes affordability. While many courses offer free content, the certification upon completion may come at a cost. However, the advantages of free online certification courses remain abundant.

Advantages Of Best FREE Online Certification Courses 2023

Here are a few benefits of taking FREE Online Courses:

  1. Flexible Learning: You can choose when and where to study.
  2. Many Choices: There are lots of different courses for each subject.
  3. Talk and Share: You can talk a lot with classmates and join discussions.
  4. Work and Learn: People with jobs can study at the same time.
  5. No Travel Costs: You don’t need to spend money on travel.
  6. Meet New Friends: You can make friends from all over the world.

List Of Top 7 Best Free Online Courses with Certificates

Let’s delve into the main part of this article—the list of free online courses that span diverse subjects. To maintain clarity and structure, we’ve categorized the approaches into thematic areas, so you can effortlessly find what suits your interests.

Also Read: Google Artificial Intelligence Courses 2023 With Free Certificates

1. Technology and Coding:

Course NameRatingSkills CoveredCourse ProviderCostTagline
Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack…4.6Machine Learning, Numpy…UdemyFreeThe Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, and Matplotlib package: getting ready for deep learning…
Become an Android Developer from Scratch4.4Professional qualityUdemyFreeThe best spot to begin learning Android Development, plain and simple.
Data Structures and Algorithms4.6Debugging, Software…CourseraFreeGet a grip on Algorithmic Programming Techniques. Grasp algorithms by studying…
Algorithms, Part I4.9Data Structure, AlgorithmsCourseraFreeCovers basic data structures, sorting, and searching methods.
Machine Learning4.9Logistic Regression…CourseraFreeMachine learning is about making computers do things without…
AI For Everyone4.8Workflow of Machine…CourseraFreeThis course isn’t very technical, even engineers can enroll…

2. SEO Courses:

Course NameRatingSkills CoveredCourse ProviderCostTagline
Google AdsSearch, Display, Video…GoogleFreeLearn practical skills you can use immediately through e-learning courses…
SEO Training by Moz4.3Strategy DevelopmentUdemyFreeDiscover SEO tips and techniques through this SEO training program by Moz.

3. Content Marketing:

Course NameRatingSkills CoveredCourse ProviderCostTagline
Content Marketing Certification4.6Marketing, Intermediate…HubSpot AcademyFreeBecome the best content marketer.
Viral Marketing and How to Craft…4.7Social Network, Viral…CourseraFreeLearn how to make ideas memorable, boost your impact, and harness the power of social…
Business BloggingMarketing, Beginner…HubSpot AcademyFreeLearn to Blogging, what it is, and How to Do It.
Online Video Marketing CourseMarketing, Intermediate…HubSpot AcademyFreeWhat is Video Marketing and Learn How to Do It.

4. Personal and Professional Development:

Course NameRatingSkills CoveredCourse ProviderCostTagline
Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking4.1Fundamental techniquesUdemyFreeLearn the techniques explained in this course to conquer your fear of public speaking.
Learning How to Learn4.8Test Preparation…CourseraFreeEffective mental techniques for conquering challenging topics.
Successful Negotiation4.7Strategic Negotiations…CourseraFreeEssential Strategies and Skills.
The Manager’s Toolkit4.6Decision-Making, Leadership…CourseraFreeA Practical Guide to Managing People at Work.
Introduction to Project Management4.3Project management…UdemyFreeEssential Tools and Techniques.
Career Success Specialization4.4Project Management…CourseraFreeDevelop important job skills. Enhance your chances of getting hired.

5. Sales Courses:

Course NameRatingSkills CoveredCourse ProviderCostTagline
The Art of Sales: Mastering the Selling…4.7Sales ProspectsCourseraFreeLearn to Master the Art of Sales.
Sales Enablement Certification4.4Marketing, SalesHubSpot AcademyFreeCreate a sales support plan that’s guided by marketing efforts.
Sales Management TrainingMarketing, SalesHubSpot AcademyFreeStrategies for Developing a Successful Modern Sales Team.
HubSpot Sales Software Certification Course4.4Sales, BeginnerHubSpot AcademyFreePassing the HubSpot Sales Software Certification Exam in 2019 shows you can carry out inbound sales using HubSpot Sales Free.

6. Business and Finance Courses:

Course NameRatingSkills CoveredCourse ProviderCostTagline
Foundations of Business Strategy4.8Capabilities Analysis…CourseraFreeGuide Your Business Towards Success. Create value and show worldwide influence through four courses.
Stock Market Investing for Beginners4.4Investing strategiesUdemyFreeLearn the Stock Market Basics through comprehensive, interesting, lectures!
Business Statistics and Analysis4.7Microsoft Excel, Linear…CourseraFreeDevelop skills in analyzing data and creating business models. Acquire the capability to use statistics and tools for data analysis in different business situations.
Excel Skills for Business4.9Graphs, Microsoft…CourseraFreeMaster Excel to add a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio.

7. Marketing Courses:

Course NameRatingSkills CoveredCourse ProviderCostTagline
Inbound Certification4.5Marketing, Sales, StartupsHubSpot AcademyFreeThe HubSpot Inbound Certification teaches you about the fundamentals of inbound.
Google Analytics4.5Measuring website trafficGoogleFreeAnalytics Academy teaches you how to use Google’s measuring tools and boost your business by gathering and studying data.
Marketing Fundamentals: Who Is Your…The marketing mix, segmentationedXFreeGet familiar with important marketing ideas and methods for attracting customers, discover the right audience and, expand a business
Content Marketing Certification4.6Marketing, Intermediate…HubSpot AcademyFreeThis certification course provides an overview of becoming a successful content marketer.
Email Marketing Certification course4.5Marketing, Beginner…HubSpot AcademyFreeThis free course teaches how to create an email marketing plan that helps your business and career grow.
Learn Online Marketing – Free Training…4.6Data and Tech, Digital MarketingGoogleFreeGet the most in-demand skills.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialization4.7Competitive analysis, optimize website contentCourseraFreeLearn how to do search engine optimization well and get more natural visitors to your website.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: What does a 100% Free Online Course entail?

A1: A 100% free online course refers to a course that doesn’t involve any hidden charges. You can access and study the course material without attending physical classrooms, all you need is an internet connection.

Q2: Is it necessary to have technical skills to enroll in an online course?

A2: While online courses are designed to be user-friendly, basic technical computer skills are beneficial for navigating course platforms. For web conferencing and seminars, high-speed internet, microphones, and webcams may also be required.

Can one enroll in a course that has already begun?

A3: Yes, many providers allow mid-course enrollment. However, joining from the beginning is recommended to fully engage in discussions and benefit from the course content.

Q4: Is there a limit to the number of courses I can take simultaneously?

A4: No, there’s no set limit. You can enroll in multiple courses concurrently, depending on your comfort level and understanding.


Learning knows no bounds, and the digital landscape offers abundant opportunities for knowledge acquisition. Platforms like Coursera, HubSpot Academy, and Udemy offer a range of free and paid courses, enabling you to advance in fields such as Technology, Sales, Marketing, and Finance. With the detailed insights provided, you’re equipped to choose the right course to nurture your passion or skillset, setting you on a path to personal and professional growth.

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